Tursunov Obid Bobokulovich>
Tursunov Obid Bobokulovich
texnika fanlari doktori, professor
Elektr ta’minoti va qayta tiklanuvchi energiya manbalari
Ilmiy daraja va unvon
texnika fanlari doktori, professor
Iqtiboslash indekslari:
  • Google scholar h-index Havola
  • Scopus h-index Havola
  • WoS h-index
Foydalanuvchi hisoblari:

Tursunov Obid Bobokulovich

texnika fanlari doktori, professor

Loyihalar ro‘yxati

EU126174453Spin - Opracovanie koncepsji zwekszenia ekektywnosci przetwarzania biomasy(Integrated Biomass System and Technology:Application of Eco-Friendly Laser BioTechnology for More Efficient Increase of Biomass for BioEnergy Production via Alternative Clean Technologies, 25-06-2015 - 20-04-2016
K4-2016-054 - The catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into methanol and products of further methanol conversion (gasoline, ethylene, aromatics), 24-09-2016 - 15-09-2018
284-2019/012-2019 - Development of municipal solid waste combustion and incineration technology for Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan) and investigation of municipal solid waste blending effects on reactivity of coals in CFB combustion and gasification process (Astana, Kazakhstan), 31-10-2018 - 30-09-2020
FL-7923061972 - Decentralized charging system of electric cars with efficient charging station selection and smart planning mechanisms, 30-04-2024 - 31-03-2026
INTERES 9008-00064 - Development of integrated technology for efficient bio-coal and hydrogen rich gas production from agricultural residue, 01-10-2023 - 30-09-2025
IS24033 - China-Uzbekistan cooperation on thermal conversion of agricultural residues for sustainable co-generation of bio-coal and H2-rich syngas, 01-07-2024 - 30-06-2025